Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Some bad news...

Really, it's not that bad. But I have to apologize, because next week I will not be able to write a post-race report. If I have any Sterling fan that reads this, then really that's probably why. So I urge you, my single reader that may or may not exist, to not abandon me! I'm going to be gone from the 23rd to the 30th without internet or TV access, so I won't be able to see what goes on with Sterling, or even see the race at all.

I DO NOT like to miss races, in fact this is the first race I've missed completley since I've started seriously following the sport. I won't even be able to watch the replay on Thursday! I'm trying to get it taped, but by the time I watch it everything will be old news.

I will be able to post my random NASCAR thoughts though via my cell phone, so you can still get your NASCAR fix, just no Sterling post race report.

But www.ginnracing.com provides one, not a great indepth LaMancha report...but it's something ;) Also, you can go to www.sterlingmarlinfans.com and look at the race post, where fellow Marlinites with TrackPass tell the rest what's going on.

So, I think you can manage. ;) But I apologize again, and if I do have someone who reads this every week (for the past 2 weeks I've done this) then I promise this isn't a normal happening. I HATE missing races, but I had no choice.

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